Kate Crowe

Curator of Special Collections and Archives at the University of Denver. Have also worked in metadata for non-bibliographic materials, but now focused on teaching critical information literacy w/primary sources. I also teach Intro to Archives and Advanced Archives for the DU LIS school.
Areas of expertise
The above, also I am the child of academic library administrators, both of whom chose to get doctorates in LIS, so I have literally spent my life in academic libraries and around academic librarians, so I understand them historically and culturally pretty well (for better and worse). I have literally never not worked in academia. I also research/write quite a bit about inclusion, equity, and diversity in the historical record, much of which relates back to how/what I teach, both in the archives and in the LIS classroom
Can speak
Can read
katherine.crowe@du.edu, katherine-crowe.com, @kcrowe
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Kate Mercer

Liaison Librarian, University of Waterloo
Areas of expertise
Science, engineering, strategy. I also have a lot of experience with diverse career paths.
Can help with
CV review, interview questions, academic library environments, research, cross disciplinary collabora
Can speak
Can read

Katharine Matte

"she, her, hers" / "they, them, theirs"
Information Services Specialist, CPA Canada
Areas of expertise
Embedded librarianship
Small library management
Business and accounting in Canada
Arts institutions
Not-for-profit institutions
Can help with
Resume/cover letter review
Job interview prep
Questions about any of my "areas of expertise"
Working with disabled, chronically ill, queer, non-binary, and trans mentees
Can speak
English, French
Can read
English, French

Kathryn Barrett

Social Sciences Liaison Librarian, University of Toronto Scarborough Library
Areas of expertise
academic libraries, library consortia and consortial service delivery, coordination and project management, reference (traditional & virtual), liaison librarianship, training & instruction, mentorship, working with vendors
Can help with
Academic library questions, consortial library questions, CV and cover letter review, job interview questions
Can speak
English (native) & French
Can read
English (native) & French

Katie Harding

she, her, hers
Learning Support Librarian for Engineering at McMaster University
Areas of expertise
Science and engineering librarianship; teaching & learning; academic librarianship
Can help with
CV and cover letter review, interview prep, academic library questions
Can speak
Can read

Katie Wilson

Biosciences Liaison Librarian and Scientific Data Curator at University of Minnesota, former Data Indexer at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Areas of expertise
Research data management, scientific data curation (genomics, experimental, etc.), metadata capture and creation.
Can help with
Can take general questions on data management and data curation. Happy to talk about working in academia, early career researcher life, and liaising with subjects outside of your expertise (I am a humanities person currently working with STEM disciplines).
Can speak
Can read
katiethewilson@gmail.com, @katiethewilson

Katrina Cohen-Palacios

Archivist at York University
Areas of expertise
emerging areas of expertise?: spreadsheet software (Excel, Libre Calc, Open Refine); tackling large processing projects including offsite moves and vendor digitization prep; Wikidata, Wikipedia, and Wikicommons
Can help with
graduate studies, academic archives, professional development, professional associations, resumes, interviews, documentation and policies, project management, imposter syndrome, and I’ll do my best to try and answer anything else
Can speak
English, French
Can read
English, French
kcohenp@yorku.ca / @katrina_cp

Katya Pereyslavska

Online Learning & Accessibility Librarian, Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL)
Areas of expertise
library consortia, leadership in higher education, developing and managing new services, high level research and development of toolkits and supporting research materials, external relations, copyright and accessibility, open education, OER
Can help with
mentorship and advice in areas of academic librarianship and leadership, strategies for effective interviews and cover letter writing, cutting edge librarianship competencies and female leadership in higher education.
Can speak
English, Russian
Can read
English, Russian, Ukrainian, German
katya@scholarsportal.info, @socialbrarian
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Kellie Barbato

Director, Lineberger Memorial Library at Lenoir-Rhyne University
Areas of expertise
Access services, library management, information literacy, leadership, academic librarianship, theological librarianship
Can help with
CV/resume review, cover letters, advice about anything library-related, pep talks, long-distance moves
Can speak
Can read
kellie.barbato@gmail.com / @kelliecbarbato