Colleen Burgess

she, her, hers
Teaching and Learning Librarian at Huron University College at Western University
Areas of expertise
information literacy teaching/instruction and assessment, teaching and learning program planning and development, reference services, academic librarianship, research & publishing as an academic librarian, arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Can help with
job applications, resumes, interview prep, career planning
Can speak
Can read
Contact , @CollaLibrarian
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Colleen Theisen

(she, her, hers)
Lecturer, School of Library and Information Science, University of Iowa
Areas of expertise
I worked for 10 years as a special collections librarian and curator. Now I welcome the students into the program at Iowa, teaching the intro course, as well as Literacy & Learning (a teaching course) and courses related to academic libraries and special collections.
Occasionally, I teach in the summer for San Jose State's program.
Can help with
special collections
library instruction, especially special collections
informational interviews
how to pick a graduate program
Can speak
English, easy Japanese
Can read
Contact; @libcolleen on Twitter

Courtney Pyrke

Community Services Librarian, Saint John Free Public Library (New Brunswick Public Library Service)
Areas of expertise
Outreach, communications, advertising, marketing (social media, etc), promotions, committee work, programming for all ages, medical research and critical appraisal (previous job as a medical librarian), leading teams, STEAM, author visits, gaming (video games and board games).
Can help with
brainstorming new ideas, interview skills, job applications, networking & outreach, mentorship, navigating contract work, advocacy
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @courtums

Craig Arthur

Head, Foundational Instruction & Community Engagement
Areas of expertise
community outreach & engagement; media literacy; hip hop pedagogy; co-curricular programming; program ideation, realization, and maintenance; event planning and promotions; outreach and programming with non-academic units (student media, cultural centers, student organizations, etc.); studio spaces/music production in libraries; experiential learning in libraries; teaching; public/academic library partnerships
Can help with
academic library questions
Can speak
Can read
Contact / @nicestlibrarian

Dani Brecher Cook

Director of Teaching & Learning, UCR Library
Areas of expertise
information literacy instruction, learner-centered pedagogy, learning assessment, instructional design, program management, departmental management
Can help with
Cover letters, CVs, negotiation, interview prep, presentation proposals, etc.
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @danibcook

Danielle Robichaud

Digital Archivist in Special Collections & Archives at the University of Waterloo Library
Areas of expertise
digital projects, online outreach, crosswalking descriptive records into XML metadata files, search optimization, diversifying the historical record surfaced through digital content, Wikipedia, standing in hot kitchens
Can speak
English, (some) French
Can read
English, French
Contact / @danielleganza
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Dee Winn

she, her, hers
Head, Information Services: Concordia University Library
Areas of expertise
academic librarianship, higher education, information literacy, professional associations, international engagement, management
Can help with
resume/cv cover letter review, academic library questions, reviewing application documents, interview and hiring process, general advice about librarianship
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @divaeducator
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Desmond Wong

he, him, his
Outreach Librarian at University of Toronto
Areas of expertise
Indigenous relations, truth and reconciliation
Can help with
general library questions, job applications, mock interviews, resumes, questions about Indigenous issues and diversity
Can speak
English, French, Chinese (Cantonese)
Can read
English, French
Contact, @desmondcwong
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