Emma Lawson

she, her, her
Coordinator of Collection Development and Electronic Resources Librarian at Langara College
Areas of expertise
electronic resources licensing, acquisition, management, troubleshooting; vendor relationships; collection development; academic libraries; college libraries; liaison work; reference and instruction
Can help with
general questions, academic library questions, job applications, resumes
Can speak
Can read
elawson@langara.ca , @emmalawson
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Eric Phetteplace

Systems Librarian, California College of the Arts
Areas of expertise
Libraryland systems e.g. ILS (Millennium, Koha), discovery layer, EZproxy, institutional repository; coding/programming at an intermediate level in a few languages (JavaScript, python, PHP, CSS/HTML); data munging & visualization; Faking it til you make it
Can speak
Can read
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Erin O’Meara

she, her, hers
Digital Preservation Services Manager, Artefactual Systems (formerly Head, Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship, University of Arizona)
Areas of expertise
digital preservation, archives, program development, portfolio management, management, digital scholarship, data management, data curation
Can help with
job interview questions, management in academic libraries, program development, digital preservation
Can speak
Can read
omeara.erin@gmail.com, @diplomaticaerin

Faythe Arredondo

she/her Latina
Collection and Technical Services Manager, Tulare County Library
Areas of expertise
Collection development, teen services, school visits, technology in the library, summer reading program, branch services, vendor relations, author visits, supervision/management,
Can help with
job applications, interviews, hiring, collection development, teen services, rural libraries, doing a lot with a small staff
farre03@gmail.com; @farre
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Frank Skornia

He, Him, His
Digital Librarian, Information & Adult Services, The Ferguson Library, Stamford, Connecticut
Areas of expertise
Technology training and education
Digital collections and archives
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Privacy and Digital security
Digital literacy
Instructional design
Content management systems (Drupal, Wordpress, Omeka)
Can help with
Technology training and education
Digital collections and archives
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Privacy and Digital security
Digital literacy
Instructional design
Public libraries
Drupal, Wordpress, Omeka (installation, setup & configuration, content creation)
Can speak
Can read
Email: fskornia@fergusonlibrary.org Twitter: @fskornia

Gesina Phillips

she, her, hers
Digital Scholarship Librarian at the University of Pittsburgh
Areas of expertise
digital scholarship, pedagogy and instruction, Python, event planning, interactive fiction, management and supervision, copyright in digital scholarship projects
Can help with
CV review, cover letter review, job interview questions, digital scholarship work in libraries, faculty unions, copyright, instruction and pedagogy, new supervisor/team lead questions, experiences at Duquesne University and the University of Pittsburgh
Can speak
Can read
gesina.a.phillips [at] gmail.com

Gillian Byrne

she, her, hers
Manager, Toronto Reference Library, TPL
Areas of expertise
former academic AUL. Mostly good at not being scary to approach about anything administrative. Some skill in organization structures, planning (strategic/operational), understanding technology from the outside, project management, leadership, power redistribution
Can help with
interviews, mentorship and career advice, translating job experience to/from different library sectors
Can speak
Can read
gbyrne13@gmail.com, twitter: @gillmbyrne
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Graham Lavender

he, him, his
Associate Librarian at the Michener Institute of Education at UHN in Toronto
Areas of expertise
liaison librarianship (especially business and health sciences), supervising student assistants, citation management software
Can help with
CV review, preparing for college and university job interviews, and just about anything else that relates to academic librarianship
Can speak
Can read
glavender@gmail.com / @gslavender