Grant Hurley

Canadiana Librarian, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
Areas of expertise
rare books and special collections; archival description; cataloguing; collections development; Canadian studies; digital preservation tools, standards, policies, practices; service development/project management; digital storage/infrastructure; archives and records management more generally (have also worked in more standard archives/RM roles)
Can help with
Resumes and CVs; interview and job talk tips; imposter syndrome (not that I'm over it personally [crying cat face]); connecting with communities and good folks
Can speak
Can read

Gretel Stock-Kupperman

she, her, hers
Dean of the University College at UW-Stevens Point
Areas of expertise
private colleges, student support services, high impact practices, management and leadership theory and practice, organizational culture, organizational behavior and development
Can help with
Academic librarianship, preparing for interviews, career advice
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Hailley Fargo

she, her, hers
Student Engagement & Outreach Librarian, Penn State University, University Park campus
Areas of expertise
In the Student Engagement & Outreach Librarian position, I do liaison work with non-academic units on campus (Student Affairs, undergraduate research, University Fellowships Office, etc), collaborate with Penn State librarians across the Commonwealth to help create networks of support and aligned approaches to student engagement, and work closely with student employees in the library to ensure the work they do is meaningful. My research interests revolve around student engagement within higher education, reference services, peer-to-peer services in academic libraries, digital and information literacy, and undergraduate research.
Can help with
Talking about student engagement, CVs and cover letters, supporting undergraduate research, and building peer-to-peer services
Can speak
Can read
Contact or on Twitter @hailthefargoats

Hannah Steeves, BEd, MLIS

Reference & Instruction Librarian, Dalhousie University
Areas of expertise
Law librarianship, academic law libraries, legal research and writing, reference, instruction, information literacy,
Can help with
Legal research and writing, academic application process, information literacy, general advice/support
Can speak
Can read
Contact twitter: @hjsteeves
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Haritos Kavallos

he, him, his
Coordinator of the Learning Commons & Library at CEGEP Vanier College
Areas of expertise
academic administration, library administration, collaborative management, performance improvement, message design, CEGEP network, information technology, digital strategies, and web development
Can help with
I would be happy to help with CV and cover letter reviews, preparing for an interview, as well as sharing my advice and experiences related to working for a CEGEP/College.
Can speak
English, French, Greek
Can read
English, French, Greek

Heather Berringer

she, her, hers
Associate University Librarian and Chief Librarian, Okanagan Campus, The University of British Columbia (and national sales director for an multinational corporation in a previous life)
Areas of expertise
Administrative leadership within academic and corporate cultures, including human resources, budget, strategic and operational planning, organizational development & learning
Can help with
application packages, transitions (to/from management, to/from the corporate sector), making connections, articulating long-term career goals
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @hberringer
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Heather Coates

Digital Scholarship & Data Management Librarian, IUPUI University Library Center for Digital Scholarship
Areas of expertise
research data management, data information literacy, research documentation & project management, data sharing; awesome datalibs community; research evaluation for promotion & tenure, publication metrics, altmetrics; Love Data Week (formerly Love Your Data) - been a librarian nearly 6 years
Can help with
general questions, cover letters & cv, job shadowing, advocating for Open access/data/education/research
Can speak
Can read
Contact , @IandPangurBan
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Helene Williams

Senior Lecturer, University of Washington Information School
Areas of expertise
academic librarianship (four year and community college), collection development and management, scholarly communication, reference, instruction, liaison librarianship, outreach, digital humanities, licensing, vendor relations and negotiations, mentoring, professional development (for both early and mid-career)
Can help with
job search questions, interpreting job postings, gleaning hints about institutional culture, understanding/deciphering institutional politics, application letters and personal statements, resumes/CVs, interview preparation, online learning & skill-building.
Can speak
Can read
English, German, French
Contact, @bibliorogue h
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Hilary Kraus

she, her, hers
Associate Librarian for Nursing & Health, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Areas of expertise
information literacy instruction, reference, collection development, liaison work, embedded librarianship, student supervision, tutorial creation
Can help with
job search advice, including resume and cover letter review, interview advice and preparation; questions about academic librarianship; questions about health sciences librarianship
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @craftyhilary

Ian Gibson

Head, Collections and Content, University of Guelph
Areas of expertise
academic librarianship, collection assessment, licensing, open access, scholarly communications more generally, vendor relations/negotiation, budgets and budgeting
Can help with
general questions, job applications, resumes
Can speak
Can read
Contact , @iangibson11