Dylan Burns

He, Him, His
Digital Scholarship Librarian, Utah State University
Areas of expertise
Scholarly Communication, Open Access, Special Collections, Digital Preservation, Digital Humanities, Library Publishing, Institutional Repositories.
Can help with
resume/CV, cover letters, professional development
Can speak
Can read
dylan.burns@usu.edu, @forgetthemaine
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Eamon Tewell

Reference & Instruction Librarian, Long Island University, Brooklyn
Areas of expertise
academic librarianship, information literacy, pedagogy, critical information literacy
Can help with
general questions, professional development decisions, job applications, career advice, interview prep, and anything else.
Can speak
Can read
eamon.tewell@liu.edu , @eamontewell

Elena Rodriguez

she, her, hers
Research and Instruction Librarian, College of Charleston (Charleston, SC)
Areas of expertise
Information literacy instruction and assessment, ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, lesson planning, reference services, embedded librarianship, liaison librarianship, academic librarianship, library instruction coordination, First Year Experience, humanities, social sciences, teaching online, and instructional design.
Can help with
CV and resume review, interview prep, academic library questions, instruction and information literacy questions, navigating the workplace, early career advice.
Can speak
Can read
etrodrig@cofc.edu / @elena_tere / http://blogs.cofc.edu/etrodriguez/

Elizabeth (Beth) German

she, her, hers
Service Design Librarian and Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
Areas of expertise
project management, user experience, accessibility, instructional design, training, meeting management, academic librarianship
Can help with
project planning, generating buy-in, leading from the middle, tenure
Can speak
Can read
egerman@tamu.edu, @eligerman
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Elizabeth Galoozis

Head of Information Literacy, University of Southern California
Areas of expertise
academic librarianship, information literacy instruction, critical information literacy, ACRL committees, lesson planning, curriculum mapping, reference, feminist pedagogy, library instruction coordination, collaboration (with faculty, student groups, special collections), peer review (publication or faculty evaluation)
Can help with
CVs/resumes, cover letters, interview prep, early career advice, publishing and presenting, navigating the workplace/colleagues
Can speak
Can read
English and Spanish
galoozis@usc.edu, @thisamericanliz
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Elizabeth Laera

Medical Librarian, Brookwood Baptist Health
Areas of expertise
Hospital librarianship; Solo or one person librarianship; Small library administration including supervising and budgeting; Collection development for small health science libraries; Marketing, promotion, and outreach; Working with non-librarian supervisors; Searching in support of patient care; Clinical librarianship
Can speak
Can read
elizabeth.laera@bhsala.com, @LibrarianLizy
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Elizabeth Soergel

STEM/Engineering Librarian at the University of Maryland, College Park
Areas of expertise
engineering and computer science reference, research assistance, and collection development; liaising with STEM departments; information literacy instruction for STEM and international student populations; managing student employees and paraprofessional staff; interlibrary loan and resource sharing; circulation and access services
Can help with
cover letter and CV feedback; tips for interviews; developing confidence within STEM librarianship when you have no STEM background; being your cheerleader!
Can speak
esoergel@umd.edu, elizsoergel@gmail.com, @elizsoergel
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Emilie Vrbancic

Undergraduate Experience Librarian, University of Washington, Seattle
Areas of expertise
undergraduate student outreach and programming, first year student outreach and programming, outreach program assessment, event planning, outreach to non-academic/student support offices/departments (international student office, diversity office, undergraduate research program), teaching & learning with emphasis on inclusive teaching, partnership development
Can help with
academic library questions, job search, understanding, UE, FYE, student success library positions
Can speak
Can read
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Emily Carlisle-Johnston

she, her, hers
Research and Scholarly Communications Librarian at Western Libraries
Areas of expertise
scholarly communications, open access, open education, scholarly publishing, educational technology, Creative Commons licensing, repositories
Can help with
resume/CV/application review, interview prep, questions about the profession, academic library questions, anything related to my above areas of "expertise," navigating early career
Can speak
Can read
ecarlis2@uwo.ca, @emilycarlisle07