Alexandra Wieland

she, her, hers
Processing and Reference Archivist, Simon Fraser University
Areas of expertise
I currently work in Special Collections at Simon Fraser University as a Processing and Reference Archivist. Prior to this, I was an Information and Privacy Archivist in the Archives and Records Management Department at SFU. I have held previous roles in government and crown corporations at a records manager.

Areas of specialty are: Archives, Protection of Privacy, Access to Information/Freedom of Information, records management
Can help with
I love providing comments on resumes or CVs. Happy to review cover letters and discuss potential interview questions for academic archives. You can contact me for informational interviews, or with questions about salary negotiation, getting involved in professional associations, or getting involved in faculty association
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @viadiversi

Amy Lightfoot

she, her, hers
Customer Support/Software Product Ownership, Altmetric.
Areas of expertise
Information Management, alternative metrics, non-traditional librarianship, working in the technology or start-up industry
Can help with
career development, liaising with technical and non-technical staff, job applications, support about being an LGBTTQQ woman in tech
Can speak
French and English
Can read
French and English
Contact, @littlestmy

Erin O’Meara

she, her, hers
Digital Preservation Services Manager, Artefactual Systems (formerly Head, Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship, University of Arizona)
Areas of expertise
digital preservation, archives, program development, portfolio management, management, digital scholarship, data management, data curation
Can help with
job interview questions, management in academic libraries, program development, digital preservation
Can speak
Can read
Contact, @diplomaticaerin

Jennifer Solomon

Open Access Librarian at UNC Chapel Hill
Areas of expertise
Open Access, Schol Comm, Knowledge Management, Project Management, E-resources Management, Non-profits, Vendors, Nontraditional Librarian Jobs
Can help with
academic library questions, schol comm, librarian/information science jobs outside of academic libraries, non-profits, project management
Can speak
Can read

Mary Gu

she, her, hers
Information Services Librarian, CPA Canada
Areas of expertise
project management, process mapping, applying assessment frameworks, records management, embedded librarianship, volunteering on professional associations
Can help with
job interviewing, moving between different sectors, records management, special librarianship, solo librarianship;
being a compassionate ear for: poc experiences in professional settings, setting boundaries in your professional life
Can speak
Can read